Distance Field AO Broken on Cube

I’m not expecting to be able to fix this with a simple setting but I’ve decided to point this out because it is a very large bug with 4.11 that I have never seen before. I created a 100 unit Cube using the BSP “Create Static Mesh” button and it gave me some pretty serious issues:

This only happens with 100100100 cubes exactly. Even 0.0001 unit off will result in that side becoming normal again. So if I made the cube 100x100y100.001z the top and bottom would not have the artifacts. Very strange but let me know what you think or if this will just have to be solved through a patch. Simple but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Hi -

This has already been reported with UE-26783. From what I’ve noticed this only affects simple meshes and those with more complex geometry don’t typically show any issue.

This has already resolved itself internally in our latest 4.12 build of the engine.

For the moment, you can increase the Distance Field Resolution Scale as a workaround. You can do this by opening the Static Mesh and changing this in the Build Settings then hit Apply. Try a higher value like 3 or 5.

Thank you!
