Scene or Level as Skybox

I have been trying to create a skydome or box from a scene where I have a level set as a moon, orbiting a planet which in turn orbits a star.

The above video is the concept I am trying to grasp at, where the skydome perspective will be captured from the position of the cube orbiting the blue sphere. Yellow line is just where the star would be.

I have thought about how UDK2004 done skyboxes with a room off to the side and then use this room as the skybox. But try to do it with level streaming instead?

If anyone could give me a hand or push in the right direction I would be most appreciative.

Thanks, Sarah.

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums” I do not know the answer to your question, this is another way you could create your sky, better then putting it in a room.

The below image is a fudge of what I am trying to do. Where by the level is orbiting a gas giant as indicated above with the cube scenario.
I know I could scale the entire level up and then start translating the entire playable map with all assets so it orbits realistically, but I want to cut the CPU time in translating everything in a realistic orbit solar system.

I only care for the skybox from the position of a particular moon of a gas giant orbiting a star.

So if all the solar system scripts and physics is handled somewhere else not in the same place as the level and rendered to a texture that is positioned in the place of the moon, then that’s all I want. I just don’t want to be translating billions of vertices in the world multiple times a second.

Or a better way to explain, how can I get an entire level as a skybox for another level where the point of view is a moving object.