Converting 4.10 project to 4.11: Class 'IModularFeature' not found

When converting our 4.10 project to 4.11, I get the following error trying to compile the project:

C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Source/Runtime/HeadMountedDisplay/Public/IMotionController.h(22) : Class ‘IModularFeature’ not found.

The project does not use HMDs at all, and other projects were converted without a problem.

Hi lavamadness,

  • Does this occur with a clean, blank project containing no additional content or is it limited to this project?
  • What steps are you taking to convert your project from 4.10 to 4.11?
  • Is this a c++ or blueprints project?
  • Have you tried verifying your engine build by going to the launcher>library>engine version context menu>verify? This will check to ensure none of your engine files are missing/damaged and repair/replace them if they are.

Thanks for your reply. I found the problem. We had our own class named IMotionController which was causing a conflict with UEs IMotionController (which inherits from IModularFeature). Renaming our class fixed the issue.