Trigger Volume acts as physical barrier for objects at rest

Hello all, I am using UE 4.11.1,

I was testing a demo game I am using to learn UE4, so it’s completely possible that I simply have things setup improperly and I welcome anyone to tell me what the issue might be.

I’ve posted a video on of the proposed bug: https://www…com/watch?v=QNZ3GHvmBUg&

So a summary of the bug is this:
I have a trigger volume in my scene along with objects (all the objects are standard physics actors with gravity applied to them along with some mass).
When I move the objects into the the trigger volume an action occurs (a door opens). This is irrelevant it simply let’s me map out where the trigger volume is exactly while I’m in the game.
When I move an object just to the threshold edge of a trigger volume so it may be touching but does not trigger an overlap event, and then release the object I expect the object to fall into the trigger volume.

However instead of the expected behaviour the object simply floats, or seemingly just rests on top of the trigger volume.

If you find this explanation unclear or need more details please let me know how I can start to debug this issue.

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-29285, to be assessed by the development staff.

what if you turn off “can character step up on”


Just tried your suggestion. The issue is still present unfortunately.

Hi ,

After further investigation, this does not appear to be a bug. The issue here is that the object is going to sleep while trying to align it with the volume. Movement is being slowed down enough for the object to sleep. What you’ll need to do is call WakeUp when you release the mouse, that way the object will no longer be asleep and should behave as expected.

Have a great day