[4.10.X - 4.11.X] Unreliable Project Launch (96% crash)

Hello, thank you for your time.

I had written a nice long flowing problem analysis post over the course of 45 minutes and then accidentally navigated away from this page only to find that it didn’t cache anything I’d written or Chrome failed me. So that’s cool. This version is going to be brief.

My UE4 project which I’ve been migrating to the latest UE versions (4.10.x and now 4.11.x) since 4.9 is now crashing most of the time when I launch it. The loading splash window gets to 96% and then quietly closes with no messages, warnings or errors. I’m assuming it’s a crash because it’s definitely not doing anything quietly in the background and simply taking forever to actually launch something I can see, which was one of my earliest assumptions. The process is dying and not reporting anything.

I did some googling and found other people having their editors crash in some way or another at 96% for various reasons since 4.7, but didn’t find answers that reliably solved my particular issue. My project had some warnings and errors that a mapcheck + redirector cleanup and a few blueprint re-compiles made go away one of the few times I got the editor to actually launch my project, my hope was that those warnings/errors were causing something to quietly crash hard. That appears not to be the case, the log seems to indicate that there are no warnings or errors on startup, so that’s good, see exhibit A:

[2016.04.09-18.57.37:984][  0]MapCheck: Info Map check complete: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 44.775ms to complete.

I’ve attached the UE4 log from $PROJECT_DIR/Saved/Logs/

My project isn’t very big or complex yet, and I’m happy to just nuke it and try to carry over the parts I need to redo if the migration made the project crufty and unstable, but if there’s a way to troubleshoot this or for the UE4 team to improve the crash behavior for whatever my specific issue is, that’d also be great. It’s baffling that I can’t seem to get any sort of info or exception or stacktrace about what is failing, unless this log reveals something unknown to me as a UE4 scrub.

Again, thank you for your time.

link text

I am actually getting this same problem since getting 4.11.2 yesterday. It was working yesterday, but after this morning from a fresh boot, I ran into this same problem.Log File

Fortunately I still have 4.10.4 that is still functioning for my project.

So playing around with this now, I have a sort of work around. I went into my \Config\DefaultEngine.ini and deleted the Editor start up map


After the editor starts, I load up my map File->Open Level and it seems to work.

I’m going to try and delete some assets from the map to see what might be causing my silent startup.

Found out what it was. After checking the my Load Errors when loading the map I had the following line.

Error /Game/Maps/Earth_Orbit/Earth_Orbit : Failed import for SceneComponent /Game/Blueprints/Core/Camera/StockCameraActor.Default__StockCameraActor_C:SceneComponent

This was a blueprint that I created for the Camera and make modifications to it. After cleaning up the error, I could restore the loading of the map by default and everything was back to normal.

Check your errors on map load and see if you can either delete the asset causing it or fix the error and see if that helps.

Wow nice, thanks for the followup. I’m pretty new to dealing with UE4 issues so I didn’t go down these paths.

Do you have pro tips for actually solving this sort of error? I definitely have something like this going on, also with a child class blueprint of Camera. However the blueprint seems fine and compiles fine, so beyond deleting it and starting it over I’m not sure how to fix it. I mostly want to know in case I have something more important I don’t want to delete in the future but is also failing to import some kind of SceneComponent for no particular reason.

So I actually went into the blueprint of the new Camera after recopying over to the new 4.11 build. After the recopy was complete, it opened my Editor for me without errors so then I made some edits (added a new Scene Component and then deleted it again) and then re-compiled+saved it. Unfortunately I don’t know what the direct cause of it was, but I no longer seem to be having the issue.