Flying character rotation reset on Ascend and Descend


I’m trying to create a 3rd person flying character. Everything is working well, except for ascend and descend feature. Currently, it does ascend and descend properly, but it auto rotates to x=0, y=0 direction as I fly up and down. One thing to note, with movement ascend and descend is working properly (no rotation reset). It’s breaking only when the character is stationary. I’m pretty new to Unreal 4 and already spent over 10 hours trying to figure out this rotation issue. Here is the blueprint:

1st, you must add a int x int func if you want more speed when add input axis. 2nd, in UE4 options in camera you can find the camera rotation and lag movable setting(sorry my lang pls). In main window select your pawn → in component window select SpringArm element and look at camera settins and lag settings. Its easy to sence if you try all buttons, and later add it into you blueprint. have fun^^