Alternative sense implementation

I want change UAISense_Hearing implementation.
In c++ i make may own class UAISense_HearingExt derived from UAISense_Hearing and change only Update() method.
In blueprint i add AISense_Hearing config to AIPerceptionComponent and change Implementation to UAISense_HearingExt.
I RegisterPerceptionStimuliSource and call ReportNoiseEvent;
Method UAISense_HearingExt::Update() is never called.
When I change implementation back to UAISense_Hearing everything works fine.
Am I something missed ?

You should implement two classes: config and sensor properly. Not only one sensor. UAISenseConfig_HearingExt for example.
See UAISenseConfig_Hearing class:

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Sense", NoClear, config)
	TSubclassOf<UAISense_Hearing> Implementation;

You need to setup your own type here.