Is it possible to keep world aligned texture size but not position or rotation? (Picture)

As the title says, is it possible to keep world aligned size but not position or rotation? I have a picture below to explain what i mean.

As the picture shows i would like the texture position and rotation to stay relative to the object like it is currently, but i want the Y size (up and down) to be relative to the world so i can apply it to multiple meshes without distorting the texture. Is this even possible?

This is possible for most output channels by using a Transform Position (World to Local) node. However, that will also lose the benefit of world-aligned textures, namely that they seamlessly tile across mesh/object borders.

thats why you unwrap meshes… ?

I managed to solve my problem by using something completely different from world align texture but thanks for the help anyway :slight_smile:

Instead of just accepting your answr, can you also explain what you did?
Because this isnt an answer.

The solution i ended up going with wasn’t an answer to my original question, i ended up using a completely different method to achieve my desired effect. Which is pretty specific to my current setup and project which is why i didn’t explain what i did. If someone wants to answer the original question in the future, i’m happy to change my current accepted answer to the new one.