New update and/or video card driver update causing problems with game

I have been playing UT4 since last year and have had no problems running the game on full settings. I decided to get back into playing it after a hiatus of probably 4 months or so. After upgrading the game and around that time my video drivers, I was able to play a few games no problem and then the game crashed, and after that point, I can not get the game to run. It’s the same each time. I pick to play offline, it loads up the game and I see my spawn and the level but the textures haven’t popped in yet, and about a second after this pops up, it just crashes. I read about changing shadows to low. I tried it and it worked for 1 game. Then on next boot of the client / game, it doesn’t work now. That’s where I’m at. I have no idea how to get this to work and can’t see what exactly the problem is. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I’ll post specs below.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
RAM: 8gb G.Skill DDR3
GPU: Nvidia GTX 660Ti
GPU Drivers: 364.72

Hey TokyoScarab,

Please try reverting back by at least one driver version. The driver you’re using is known to have problems. Let me know if that helps.


I have rolled drivers back all the way to 359.00 and no such luck seems to be had. I don’t remember how far back my drivers were before I updated them =/ Thanks for the tip though. Do you think going any farther back would help?

Hey TokyoScarab,

I’m going to have to direct you to the UT Forums on this one. As this is the Unreal Engine support hub, we don’t typically handle UT bugs.
