How to get rid of shooter game menu

Have I can remove menu system in my project? Now every time when i play game menu is in backside of game, but only in packaked version, menu doesn’t appear in editor. It is maybe coded with c++ . Screenshot
what c++ code I have to delete or change to comments that menu doesn’t appear

Check what the docs say.

The main menu is opened automatically
when the game starts by specifying the
ShooterEntry map as the default. It
loads a special GameMode,
AShooterGameMode, that uses the
AShooterPlayerController_Menu class
which opens the main menu by creating
a new instance of the FShooterMainMenu
class in its
PostInitializeComponents() function.

Yes. I know that. I am used blueprints, but rookie with c++. Which lines and where I have to delete or change them in comments? I would very thankful. I have made couple changes but not any help. It is main problem now and second is that my own map selection disappear mouse sometimes in packaged version

And I have deleted in blueprints holw shooterentry map

And how I can in this project adjust player/bot respawn time, now in player start it respawn new enemies/player every 3-4 second that there is too much

Hi Xi4

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it. However, if you are still interested, here is a link to the documentation for Shooter Game which includes how the menu system is constructed which, in turn, should enable you to disable it:

Shooter Game
