Toggle Visibility with Timer for Platforms?

Hi there, kinda new with Blueprints and with Unreal in general so go easy on me :wink:

I’m trying to Toggle Visibility For Platforms with timer so the every second or few seconds the platform will disappear and reappear.

I’ve found some guides and got this in the Picture so far
I don’t know if its matter but anyways if its helps - it is a blueprint class not level blueprint.

and well, the problem is…its doing nothing…
any help?

That’s not how Set Timer by Function works. You might want to try Set Timer by Event. Like this:

Thanks a lot m8! it worked!
there’s just one more thing:
I want the character to fall if its stepping on the platform while its gone.
I know that i need to use Collusion but i don’t know which one…or how to mix it :<

Add an a Branch and toggle enable Collision at the same time as you toggle Visibility.

It worked! :smiley: