Warning: Unknown property in after changing variable in Structure

I think this should be brought up as these seems to be a bug, after changing some variables in a blueprint Structure the log posts a load of warnings, and these come up every time i compile blueprint that use these Structures, my currently project logs around 200+ lines of these as i have changed/edited or added variables to my Structures.

Warning: Unknown property in InventoryItem: Strength_75_0501B0854829642FFD33308F0CA4BA8A=0,Dexterity_76_EA2FB9DA4D578697BB9EBEB68971CF74=0,Intelligence_77_9022AF064DCBC523BF2829A8B9E7771B=0) 
Warning: Unknown property in InventoryItem: Dexterity_76_EA2FB9DA4D578697BB9EBEB68971CF74=0,Intelligence_77_9022AF064DCBC523BF2829A8B9E7771B=0) 
Warning: Unknown property in InventoryItem: Intelligence_77_9022AF064DCBC523BF2829A8B9E7771B=0) 
Warning: Unknown property in ItemInformation: Quality_39_CBD1FAA54940E088B192D7A42622FDA0=NewEnumerator1,Amount_96_5BD0F40343BC83E7582405A59DEF24E8=1) 
Warning: Unknown property in ItemInformation: Amount_96_5BD0F40343BC83E7582405A59DEF24E8=1)

Hi OverRated_AU,

I have seen a similar issue if a variable starts with a space. Can you double check the Variables that the warnings are referencing and see if they contain a space at the beginning?

Nope no spacing, this is how many warnings i get from my player controller lol these seem to all be in memory as my project works just fine.

link text

I have had lots of problems like this. Definitely bugs. If you can find a reliable way to produce the bug, you should definitely add that here so we can an actual fix.


  • Sometimes, deleting the variable and recreating it will fix the problem.
  • Recreating the blueprints that emit the error have always fixed it for me. DON’T duplicate your blueprint. It just duplicates the problem. Create a new blueprint with the same parent class as the one you’re duping. Create all the variables and set their defaults. Create all the functions and set their input/output paramaters and create their local variables. Then you can copy/paste your event graphs from the original blueprint to the new ones with 99% of them “just working”.

The problem with recreating them is that these Structures are used in multiply places and replacing them is simple job it would take a lot of time, there should be away to clean these up without doing that, If Epic wants to track this bug down all they need to do is download the action RPG Inventory System and compile the InventoryManagerComponent and it will show.

Have either of you seen these warning outside of a project that contains the RPG Inventory System?

Yes, any blueprint project I have ever worked on. I have never used the RPG Inventory System.

I used to rename variables. A lot – until I realized the errors seem to correlate with renaming. Now I try not to rename variables.

Maybe I can come up with something reproducible…

I do my blueprinting on a Mac, by the way.

Ill have to see if i can reproduce the bug in a new project, I’m unsure what the source of the warning are but i have tried removing the variables and re-adding them which just adds to the warnings, it seems to happen if any of the variables are changed or removed, ill try to strip down the RPG Inventory to see if i can find the source of the problem, these structures are used though out the project and also on UMG widgets.

I was able to reproduce a similar (maybe related) condition. I posted it as its own bug report here: 4.11.2: Failed Blueprint Import - Reproducible - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

I don’t think these are related this bug on discussion is to do with structures variables being changed or removed.

Have same issue all the time, but it just go away after recompile and reopen project.

Important note: If you use structure in interface, you need to compile interface before closing project or it would break all connections between structure and interface.

Dunno, working on project for 6 month or something, happens to me a lot.

Adding to a structure will not break connections but you will have to connect your new varibles up if your building the structure any where, i wonder if the problem is related to saved variables of that structure not being updated correctly.

OK I can confirm that its structure variables which are producing these warnings. I just fixed a few by setting the variable to a Boolean then compiling then setting it back to the structure then reconnecting the wires then compiling again. It seems when you change a structure the references to the following structure leave behind the old variable references in memory? so we can class this as a bug as these references should be getting cleaned up in the process, I hope this bug gets looked at as i hate to have to redo all my structure references each time i change the main structure.

HI OverRated_AU,

Any luck creating a test case for these warnings?

I couldn’t reproduce it on a new project, but i did take 2 assets from the ARPG Inventory and reproduced it in a blank project, this should make it easier to be fixed.


Well i just reproduced the bug on a new project with 2 new files with a similar setup, project link is below. Compiling the UMG widget will produce the warnings

What exactly wrong with that project? I rename add and remove variables from struct and it compiles perfectly.

Thats not the point the point is it compiles with warnings which show in the log, in large projects with lots of structure changes it can get annoying.

Yes, i can see it now, had it before, but i don’t quite remember how i got rid of it, i guess i remake everything, that’s only workaround?

Each time you change the structure you need to remove and add back the varaible to the UMG file, but once you change the structure again you find your self doing this fix each time, and if that one structure is used and tied in with other blueprints this can get annoying and very time consuming for just fixing a warning.