Unresolved external symbol for DrawBox, DrawDebugSphere aso


I’m trying out Component Visualizers for the first time in Unreal now, and PDI->DrawPoint works perfectly fine. However, DrawBox, DrawDebugBox aso. always fail to build with the message

unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) void __cdecl DrawDebugSphere(class UWorld const *,struct FVector const &,float,int,struct FColor const &,bool,float,unsigned char)" (__imp_?DrawDebugSphere@@YAXPEBVUWorld@@AEBUFVector@@MHAEBUFColor@@_NME@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl FCameraBoundsComponentVisualizer::DrawVisualization(class UActorComponent const *,class FSceneView const *,class FPrimitiveDrawInterface *)" (?DrawVisualization@FCameraBoundsComponentVisualizer@@UEAAXPEBVUActorComponent@@PEBVFSceneView@@PEAVFPrimitiveDrawInterface@@@Z)

Any idea on how to solve this?

Solution: Add “Engine” to the Dependency in the Build.cs