Decal Delay Fade Error

Hey, I’m trying to get my bullet holes to fade out after a delay. My issue seemed to be in the SetScalarParameterValue as I get this error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_CreateDynamicMaterialInstance_ReturnValue from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_FirstPersonProjectile’ from node: Set Scalar Parameter Value in graph: EventGraph in object: FirstPersonProjectile

I’m fairly new to this and don’t understand a lot of this yet. From what I can tell, I’ve tried all the variations that could work and it compiles just fine. The error hits several times with each new bullet.

Whats interesting to me is I can confirm that the decal does start fading in as intended, but it breaks about 3 seconds in and never fades out.

Alternative methods of delayed decal fading would be welcome if I’m doing this the wrong way.

Here are pictures of my BPs