Unreal Engine source code problem

While I’m reading the source code of Unreal Engine, I find a function in Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/AI/Navigation/NavgationSystem.cpp called FindPathToLocationSynchronously. In line 1337 and line 1340 to 1360, here’s the code look like

       bool bValidPathContext = false;

        if (PathfindingContext != NULL)
			INavAgentInterface* NavAgent = Cast<INavAgentInterface>(PathfindingContext);
			if (NavAgent != NULL)
				const FNavAgentProperties& AgentProps = NavAgent->GetNavAgentPropertiesRef();
				NavigationData = NavSys->GetNavDataForProps(AgentProps);
				bValidPathContext = true;
			else if (Cast<ANavigationData>(PathfindingContext))
				NavigationData = (ANavigationData*)PathfindingContext;
				bValidPathContext = true;
		if (bValidPathContext == false)
			// just use default
			NavigationData = NavSys->GetMainNavData();

I think these codes are a little bad. Why not use something like these

       if (PathfindingContext != NULL)
			INavAgentInterface* NavAgent = Cast<INavAgentInterface>(PathfindingContext);
			if (NavAgent != NULL)
				const FNavAgentProperties& AgentProps = NavAgent->GetNavAgentPropertiesRef();
				NavigationData = NavSys->GetNavDataForProps(AgentProps);
			else if (Cast<ANavigationData>(PathfindingContext))
				NavigationData = (ANavigationData*)PathfindingContext;
            else goto WithoutPathContext;
		    // just use default
			NavigationData = NavSys->GetMainNavData();

or something like

       if (PathfindingContext != NULL)
			INavAgentInterface* NavAgent = Cast<INavAgentInterface>(PathfindingContext);
			if (NavAgent != NULL)
				const FNavAgentProperties& AgentProps = NavAgent->GetNavAgentPropertiesRef();
				NavigationData = NavSys->GetNavDataForProps(AgentProps);
			else if (Cast<ANavigationData>(PathfindingContext))
				NavigationData = (ANavigationData*)PathfindingContext;
		if (NavigationData == NULL)
			// just use default
			NavigationData = NavSys->GetMainNavData();

It can save a byte. Why not?

You might get a response from UE devs if you submitted this as a pull request on the github repo.