Can you not apply a "fade in" UMG Animation to a UMG Button?

I’ve noticed that my buttons don’t obey the fade in and one speculation is that this is because they have seperate images for “hover”, “pressed”, “disabled” and “normal”.

Am I could have to fade in a seperate icon image of my button and then then swap the visibility of the image with the button?

Yes you can. Make an animation and trigger it the on hover state. The 4.11 has the on hover state if I am right. If your on a lower UE you can make it to by putting the button in a border containing widget and I think that it has the onhover event and from there you can include an animation that would make a transition from one image to other.

Buttons have a “Background Color” section under appearance. You should be able to animate that going from an alpha of 0 to 1 to fade in.

How do you mark the background colour for an alpha change within the keyframe animation interface? It doesn’t appear to exist.

That should be the keyframe button.

Oh! Cool! Okay. Nice to know!

I still have an animation problem with my 3D Widget Animations but that solves one problem.