UE4 fatal error at startup

Hello everyone
When I start UE4editor.exe this error message shows, the progress hangs on 0%, then quits.
What can I do to solve the problem?!!
Please help. Thanks

Log files:

error message:

The UE4- Editor has crashed and will close
Fatal error: [File:D:\Unreal Engine 4.8.0 NV-Techs\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 223] 
Direct3DDevice->CreateTexture2D(TextureDesc,SubResourceData,OutTexture2D) failed 
 at D:\Unreal Engine 4.8.0 NV-Techs\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Texture.cpp:458 
 with error E_INVALIDARG, 
 Size=512x512x1 Format=(0x00000035), NumMips=1, Flags=D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE 

KERNELBASE.dll {0x00007ffce1d58b9c} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-Core.dll {0x00007ffccc08087f} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-Core.dll {0x00007ffccbec9dd8} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-Core.dll {0x00007ffccbeaa7a2} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26f4fd4} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26efe51} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc269300f} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26df7bc} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26fb586} + 0 bytes

GFSDK_VXGI_x64.dll!VXGI::VoxelTexture::AllocateResources() {0x00007ffcc1f0bbe4} + 18 bytes [c:\p4\sw\devrel\libdev\gi\dev\bugfix_main\giworks\src\gi_voxe

GFSDK_VXGI_x64.dll!VXGI::GlobalIllumination::AllocateResources() {0x00007ffcc1edc2da} + 8 bytes [c:\p4\sw\devrel\libdev\gi\dev\bugfix_main\giworks\src\gi_base

GFSDK_VXGI_x64.dll!VXGI::GlobalIllumination::setVoxelizationParameters() {0x00007ffcc1ed92f1} + 11 bytes [c:\p4\sw\devrel\libdev\gi\dev\bugfix_main\giworks\src\gi_base

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26c5f19} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll {0x00007ffcc26d4260} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor-RHI.dll {0x00007ffcddf3f819} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor.exe {0x00007ff71a1dacee} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor.exe {0x00007ff71a1d241b} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor.exe {0x00007ff71a1d2a6a} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor.exe {0x00007ff71a1e45e9} + 0 bytes

UE4Editor.exe {0x00007ff71a1e55d9} + 0 bytes

KERNEL32.DLL {0x00007ffce31913d2} + 0 bytes

ntdll.dll {0x00007ffce4b35454} + 0 bytes

ntdll.dll {0x00007ffce4b35454} + 0 bytes

Hi erfanrazi,

According to the log above, it appears there is a problem with the "D3D11Texture:’

So you will need to either determine what is wrong with this texture (I suggest replacing it with a very simple texture with no alpha channels, etc. but giving it the exact same name, saving a copy of the original elsewhere.) -or you will need to code out any references to this texture in VS.

Please try these solutions and let me know if it resolves the issue.


hi, I have similar problem , but I dont know how to find texture, in my case it is ​
d3d11texture.cpp.441 ? can you advice please?