Why is my invisible trigger box moving my character incorrectly?

I’m trying to make a climbable invisible trigger box that moves the player up. But it seems to move the player suddenly forwards and to the right, or on some attempts where I changed the blueprint slightly, down and through the floor. I don’t know why. I made sure the values for the z coordinate are always positive and I never touched x and y. I tried using an initial location that is set in the editor with a visible tooltip but that didn’t work (though I kept the end location set like that). Here’s the blueprint on the climbable trigger:


Taking a look at your Blueprint, what do you have set for the End Location? If you’ve only touched the Z and left the X and Y at zero, that might be the problem as you are set to Lerp from Initial Position to End Position.

For the B input on the Lerp node, try doing a Initial Location + End Location that feeds into the B so you’d take the position of the player character and add to the Z to move him up.


Thanks! That worked, but I found the end location to not be as accurate and easy to set up as if I just had a destination actor and used its location for the end location which is a little more clutter but it’s still easy to use. So it works now! :smiley: