Automatic movement after a widget closes

This is the code I am using to take down a widget. The problem is that the player begins automatically in the last direction they had been moving to trigger the widget being created. I have another widget just like this but it has a continue button and it doesn’t have this problem.

For context, here is what i’m trying to do. We want to have a pseudo-cut-scene. Our widget has an image and you have to listen to some audio. When the audio is done (i used the properties to find out how long it was and put that in the delay) the widget does as shown to give you back control. However you automatically move as i mentioned. is there either:

  1. A way to do this without the delay
  2. A way to fix the auto movement

You could try to use the node StopMovementImmediately before calling the cutscene.



Let me know if it works ^^

that would be in the character component, correct? None of this calls the player. The shard calls the widget and widget kills itself.

There are many ways to call something in the player. I recommend using interfaces but if you need a quick way to check if this solution works then get the player controller → get the controlled pawn and cast it to a character