Spline Not Generating Collision

I am getting some extremely strange performance issues with my spline mesh blueprint on Android. I have set up a simple dynamic spline blueprint that takes spline points and (optionally) tangents. I then created a child blueprint with spline locations and custom tangents and have added it as a child actor component.

It works perfectly in PIE but not on my Android devices.

My Spline Parent BP:

Spline Parent BP Collision Settings:


PIE Simulation Showing Player Collision:

I have tried spawning it in the world with the “Spawn Actor From Class” node but it also didn’t have collision on my devices. I have tried countless different collision setting permutations

The spline HAS collision on Android when I drag the child actor into the level. I can’t use it this way though… I need to add it as a child actor component or with the ‘Spawn Actor From Class’ node

Since this is my first time using splines, I’m not sure what could be going wrong here. It’s much more frustrating that it works in the editor but not on mobile.

I have tried with and without custom tangents as well as with as few as 2 spline points.

I have tested it on 2 Android devices. One Android device is actually incorrectly showing some of my other child actor components but that is probably meant for another question. I am going to test on my iPad later but I accidentally added a C++ class and cannot figure out for the life of me how to tell UE4 that it is a Blueprint-based project.

Please help!!! The game is intended pretty much solely for mobile devices and I can’t find any word of spline mesh incompatibility with Android.

My understanding is that construction scripts ONLY get run IN the editor when you are dragging things into the world (literally – it executes as you drag things into the level).

Try putting your same logic in your event graph attached to BeginPlay instead if you are spawning the object in-game.

Thanks for the response! I just moved everything to begin play and unfortunately it still doesn’t work on Android. It certainly works in editor but no dice for mobile.

I would be so happy to get this working. I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to figure this one out with no luck :(.

Shoot. I thought that would fix it. What happens when you run it standalone on your computer?

Construction scripts run when an object is created whether in editor or in game. During the editor usage the scripts are run over and over whenever the objects change, location, rotation, parameter changes, etc. The only real caveat to performing construction is creating actors. It is best to use child actor components because the life cycle of the child actor is handled correctly without the programmer needing to do so manually. We use construction scripts routinely for child actors. Creating stand alone actors based on another actor is best done during begin play.