How to move a blueprint in the editor with a root native scene component?

I have created an object with a component hierachy in c++. From this class I have then attempted to create a blueprint to set the mesh and other properties. I have placed this in the scene, and it renders correctly.

However, I cannot move it around. Under the root property there is a mobility section, but no listed transforms. Ive compared it to a sample blueprint object, and there are some differences in the component hierarchy. The root is listed as a native scene component rather than a regular one. My understanding is this is due to it being created using code rather than blueprints. Also there is a DefaultSceneRoot component listed. This is unattached and not marked with [Root].

The code used is:

Root = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(this, TEXT("Scene"));
    Root->AttachParent = RootComponent;
	Mesh = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(this, TEXT("Mesh"));
	Mesh->AttachParent = Root;

What is causing there to be no root transforms?

I also curious about this case and don’t know - is it possible that this also produce difference in physic simulation for native and blueprint component?

You can’t move C++ initiate components, i suspect is because blueprint system is saving those properties together with blueprint initiated component data. You can’t also move root component in blueprint, but you can do that in C++ for some odd reason.

I think good workaround would be try to make properties that operates the component so you can see that on defaults, but i’m no sure how component editor will behave for that.