How do I make a dedicated server?

hello, how to activate the the build type: “development server”?
as well as how to implement server basis. that was: client and server

The way to do that is to get the correct target file. The shooter game should have one these days but i’ve also included the one I use.

You’ll need to modify it slightly. Assuming you copy the one I have attached:

Line 6:

< public class FromScratch2ServerTarget : TargetRules
> public class SoDServerTarget : TargetRules

Line 8:

< public FromScratch2ServerTarget(TargetInfo Target)
> public SoDServerTarget(TargetInfo Target)

Line 30:

< OutExtraModuleNames.Add("FromScratch2");
> OutExtraModuleNames.Add("SoD");

Place the new file in the Source subfolder of your project.
Next, right click the SoD.uproject file and choose Generate Visual Studio project Files.

Go back to Visual Studio and choose reload (Assuming it was already running).
Compile the server target and there you go.

Good luck!

EDIT: You’ll need to make sure you compiled the engine itself from source aswell. Otherwise it won’t work.

Doesn’t work

Probably because you didn’t compile the engine from source. I forgot to mention that in my earlier post. I edited my answer to reflect that.