How do I export objects from FNV to UE4

Sorry if this sounds incredibly simple and noobish but I am extremely new to UE4. The most I know how to do is load up heightmaps and create objects. Anyways i’m trying to create a sort of Fallout New Vegas remake (a lot of work I know) but i don’t know how to export items from fnv into UE4. I’m not just trying to move the objects tho I also wish to take these textures. Where do I even begin?

first of, you arent allowed to do that without NMC’s permission.
Second, you arent allowed to export the meshes and use them in another engine unless you get Beth’s permission.

You’d need to extract the .bsa files (not really allowed), or find a way to get the .nif files. (nifskope software)
as for textures, separate files are often .dds which can be converted in photoshop or similar tool.
Just dont do it without any written permission.

just dont!

Thats all I am going to say about this, keep in mind that a lot of us here are Fallout fans, and love to mod Fallout.
If we see content in UE4 that might be from a fallout community modder or from the original game, we’d contact the original authors, or in worst case contact Beth.

And they (more than often) dont react kindly to this kind of stuff tbh.
I also send this answerhub page to NMC to be sure.

Ye ok thanks! I get this a lot, like people think i’m trying to just steal FNV files and make profit from it. My goal is simply to see how well I can remake FNV in UE4. After being thoroughly disappointed with FO4 I figured giving game development wasn’t to bad of an idea. If im going to obtain the .bsa files or the .dds files I’d find them in the FNV directory right? If not do I need to use the GECK to extract them?