Custom multicast delegate broadcasting to BP only

1: I’ve created component (UsableComponent) inherited from BoxComponent and added “OnUsed” Dynamic Multicast Delegate. Code of .h:

Code of .cpp where delegate is broadcasted:

2: I’ve created Actor which have this component as subobject and defined hook for this ‘OnUsed’ in constructor.
Also for testing ‘OnComponentBeginOverlap’ is hooked too.

3: Created BP version of Actor from step 2 (Door), and in eventgraph next:

4: Testing in-game results:

As you can see my custom delegate ‘OnUsed’ is fired in BP, but in CPP not. Also interesting moment that OnComponentBeginOverlap works well. So where is my mistake? Thanks.

Solved by re-creating BP class of Door. Apparently this is a problem of BP functionality caching or something like.