Make Gradient opacity (visible at top, invisible at bottom)

I am pretty sure that i have the 4.10.

Hi all , I know that probably i should set the material in additive mode. to look like a ghost .
but lets leave that part for another day.

I cant understand why i cant have a nice smooth gradient with the opacity.
As you can see i have a pillar , just a custom cube. and the texture jump from visible to unvisible.
As you can see in the upper left part , i have made a black shape that show how the texture get the mask applied,
But i am trying to to have a smooth gradient .

I hope its clear enough. i dont know much of materials, if there are more important setting let me know and i will take a screenshot of them all.

Thanks to all

Your material is set as masked. The Opacity Mask pin clamps the output to a binary value of black or white.

If you want a smoothed transparency you’ll want to change your material to translucent and plug the opacity map into the “Opacity” pin, not “Opacity Mask”

Thanks man, really thanks , i can go forward in my experiment without watch other 20-40 tutorials about materials.
Really thanks.

I am pretty sure that things like that should be shown in the editor.
like , this pin will clamp out your value to bynary value … instead of “Descprition of final material imput”…

The in game popup documentation could certainly use some work, yes. :slight_smile:
People from Epic have mentioned this in their live stream. Its a staffing vs time thing.

In the mean time you may wish to bookmark this page Unreal Engine Materials | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

As it has all the info about materials and the material editor you’ll want to know.

Specifics for each output pin are here:

And specifics for each material type are here: Unreal Engine Material Properties | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation