How to spawn enemies on a timer?

I need to make enemies spawn every 5 seconds, but i have no idea how to do this, and the only ways i can get them to spawn are one at a time, or in massive groups.

I’ve been told that this is the right Blueprint to use, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the spawn rate.

What do i do?

I think that bight be because you don’t input Object on which function is called, also i dont get why you re set the timer in function it self even thru you got looping on, but there bettery way of doing it

Place “Set Timer by Event”, grab red square pin, from it create event, set 5 seconds, set to loop, now call Set timer once and that event you got plug on will be called every 5 secounds

All you have to do is to call the SpawnActor node for each actor you want to spawn.
You could use a for loop, like this: