Mesh wont get hit by line trace by channel

Hi i have setup a first person game where when the player shoots it spawns an explosion. I have setup line trace by channel to do this. This works for everything in the level par the AI and i dont know why the debug just passes straight through and hits the mesh behind it.
This is the ai

This is the line trace by channel

I don’t know how do I check i’m fairly new to unreal

Is the channel visibility checked in the ai’s mesh or collision capsule collision settings?

hey I tried that its didnt work however i did get it to work by changing both the trace responses visibility and camera to block. I also changed the trace bu channel to camera. Thanks for your help

in the Ai your trying to hit select there collsion component and in the details panel there should be a collision second. if your trace is ment to hit them in the channel visibility then that channel need to be set to “block”.

i hope that helps. if you have any more problems it might be worth looking over this article on the unreal blog.

This is an old thread, but I had the same problem and I realized my mesh didn’t have a collision mesh. You can preview it here:

So go to collision in the menu bar and generate a collision mesh to the object.

I hope this helps anyone with this problem!

thanks it worked ( visible )

it worked !

Thank you 3 years later. You saved me. :slight_smile: Something this silly.