Get random reachable point in radius always returns the same value and it's never reachable

this is my spawn volume blueprint, it spawns enemies but they all spawn in the same spot and it’s always right outside of the navigable area. The level is all on rooftops so they spawn right on the edge of one of the roofs and fall off. I’ve been stuck on this problem all day and I can’t figure it out.

There are so many things wrong with this blueprint that I do not know where to start.
First things first. Try using Get Random Point in Navigable Radius. You’re missing that Navigable word, that may explain why they are spawning where they are.

A couple of other observations:

  1. Do not use Get All Actors of Class on Event Tick
  2. Do not do this on Event Tick at all. Consider using a Timeline.
  3. Do something about that first For Loop. Not only are you doing Get All Actors of Class on Tick, you’re also doing it inside a For Loop.

That should fix your spawning problem, if not, reply back and I’ll have another look and may be offer an alternative solution.

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I set up a timeline and used Get Random Point in Navigable Radius and the result is exactly the same.

You’re on the right track. Try to simplify your logic first, along these lines:

Then build on it from there. [You can try example project here][2].

i found the solution: u need to make sure that your spawner volume is in a “navmesh bounds volume”. tell me if it fixed it.

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@netaneltg I think he solved it already after 6 years TBH.

I did not know it was 6 years later :slight_smile: thanks