Can you package example games?

As part of a project for university, i am re-designing the sound for the ‘Platformer Game’. Its now complete but the ‘package failed’ error is appearing.

Is this something that i can fix or is it just because its an example game and cannot be packed?

Hello Adielees,

All of the example games should be ready to package as soon as the project is created. Could you post the log file from when you attempt to package? It can be found in your project’s directory under Saved > Logs.

Here is the log and error message which appears when i try to package.

link text

Thank you for providing that information. It seems like the majority of the errors are related to it not being able to find certain files that I’m assuming you added and/or removed, as they’re related to audio. Here’s an example:

MainFrameActions: Cooking (Mac): UE4Editor: [2016.04.26-16.15.22:529][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/Sounds/InterfaceAudio/Menu_ScrollUP.Menu_ScrollUP Referenced by SoundNodeWavePlayer_2[2016.04.26-16.15.22:529][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/Sounds/InterfaceAudio/Menu_ScrollUP.Menu_ScrollUP Referenced by SoundNodeWavePlayer_2

There are quite a few of these so using ctrl+f and searching with the word “Error” would probably be your best bet to find them all. Can you take a look and make sure that these files are either present or that their references are removed?

Okay i see, yes i deleted all of the original audio for the game, replacing it with my own. How do i fix this issue?
Thanks for the reply,

You’ll need to find the assets mentioned that are referring to the missing audio files, such as “SoundNodeWavePlayer_11”. Once you find it, you should be able to replace the audio file that it is referencing either with “None” or an audio file or your own.

I have gone through every sound cue and they all have replaced audio files. The problem still persists.

Are the log files giving you the same error messages? If not, can you upload the new logs?

Here is the new log, 9 errors still occur, but the reference ones from the previous log didnt appear in the ‘message log’

link text

Thank you for doing that Adielees. Would it be possible for you to upload the UnrealBuildTool.43.txt that it mentions on this line?

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Mac): ErrorReporter.Error: ERROR: AutomationTool error: Command failed (Result:5): /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.8/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe PlatformerGame Mac DebugGame “/Users/adrianlees9/Documents/Unreal Projects/FYP_PlatformerGame/FYP_PlatformerGame.uproject” -flushmac -noxge -rocket -nocreatestub -NoHotReloadFromIDE -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: ‘UnrealBuildTool.43.txt’

It should have some insight on why this is failing.

Yes i can , but how do i find the unrealbuildtool txt?

You should be able to find it in your editor’s installation directory. If you’re using a version downloaded from the editor it should be under C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.##\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved

Sorry i can’t seem to find it.

Hello Adilees,

I apologize for the delay, but I was contacting someone who has more experience with packaging projects on Mac. I have found out more information.

It seems like a version issue. 4.8 isn’t quite compatible with the latest version of XCode. I would suggest upgrading to a newer version of Unreal. Otherwise, you would need to downgrade your XCode version, which could have capability issues with newer versions of OS X.