How can i save an objects visibility?

I have figured out how to save a variable such as a boolean or an int, however i want to save an objects visibility options which is getting changed throughout the blueprint.
To be specific it is text that indicates what current graphics setting you are on, i have low, med, high, ultra, and as i am using Decals as my main menu text for reasons that don’t need explaining, i have to switch the visibility of said decals and i want to save them to my Savegame blueprint.

Hey Divinitize,

Would an Enum work in your favor? This creates a struct of options commonly used to define states. So in your case the Enum would be settings quality, and the options would be Low, Med, High, Ultra.

You can create them by going into the Content Browser, click NewMiscellaneousEnumeration. Name it appropriately. Open and define your options. Once done you can create this variable in a class just as you would a bool variable.

Let me know if that helps.

Have you tried saving a bool, then casting your save, load it, get the bool, then maybe another eventBeginPlay, hook up a branch, make the bool as the condition if true set visibility to true, false, set it to false
I never tested it and im also working on a way to save a weapon attachment’s visibility, so if it works, please tell me.