Cant save assets Please Help

I tried saving my blueprint after editing it and it is giving me this generic error of not being able to save the assests

The asset ‘/Game/AubiesAuburnAdventure/Blueprint/BP_Aubie’ (BP_Aubie.uasset) failed to save.

I am not sure what to do. It has been pulling up this error with this ui I have been using but I have been ignoring it because it didn’t seem to do anything.

“The widget “HUD_C” was already added to the screen”

Please help I already had to re do an entire level because of a similar error I really don’t want to redo all his code.

After some testing I found out I can save by right clicking on it in the content browser but i still cant ctrl+s or click save in the toolbar

That usually happens when you have more than one editor open of the same project(?)

Assets that say failed to save either is corrupt or has an error within the mesh itself.
I’d suggest trying the following

Find the file in your project explorer delete it from there.
P:\Game\MyProject\Content(File name of error)