How far you can go in the world?

I have mostly an empty world and dynamically spawning/destroying objects (like space with spawning meteorites) and let’s say I’m controlling a space ship. How far I can go in the world? What I want to understand is that how it will affect on the device if I go too far in the empty world? (I’m making project on iOS mobile platform)

As far as I know you are not limited by “size of the world”. If you really destroy everything you have created before so the engine doesn’t have to care about something that is not on the screen you should be good to go. Don’t take it as answer though.

Hope you’re right :wink: Thx

kinda weird thinking about this, i always started my projects at X:10000;X:10000;Z:0 (Source engine habit) but keep going and going deleting everything behind till the player coordinates go past, like, X:100000000000;X:100000000000;Z:100000000000 always bugs me

You can go as far as you like, but, without implementing Origin Shifting you’ll start to lose precision as you get farther away from 0,0,0, as it’s a quirk of Floating Point numbers that as they get really big or really tiny they’re less able to handle small differences between values, especially tiny differences like… .0000001 or so against a value of like 100000000.

Yeah, the differences between values will be small compared to the world size but you think it doesn’t matter if I go to some point with the coordinate 1000000000000.0, this float’s value will not affect on the device performance?