Do different damage depending on the montage being playe

Hello there, well, I am not sure if I understand, but lets say I press “E” to use my ability and there are multiple animations that can be randomly played or what? Like there is not one animation for one ability? You know, it is easier to set up the damage based on ability you have used, instead of animation being played, anyway I would need more info to be able to help you.

Hi, Im making an action RPG and I want my character to do damage depending on what ability is being used. Right now i have it so that depending on which montage is being played, it will do different damage to the enemy, problem is I dont know how to make it so Blueprint knows which float to use when that montage is being played. Also, if you have a better way of figuring out how do different types of damage from different abilities in an Action RPG setting within blueprint then I would love to hear it.

Actually I was able to figure out my problem. Sorry for not being clearer before though. Basically what I wanted was that each ability in my game can do different damage and I wasnt sure how to get that to work. What I did before was that when a certain animation montage is played, blue print will activate the damage of that ability, thanks for the help though.