Does "Scale to Meters" affects the Max Level Size?

Hi all,

i wanna create a space game.

The maximum level size is 20x20x20km. So by default i can set and move objects to xyz 2.000.000uu

Now i thought about making every mesh asset smaller in scale 1:100, so i would have a much “bigger space”.

Now i saw something under World Settings>VR called “Scale to Meters”

If i would change the value from 100 to 10.000, does that mean that i can now place objects to a maximum xyz
of 200.000.000uu? In this case i could work in a world with a max size of 2000x2000x2000km?

This would also be cool because i do not need to make everything smaller manually. I also think it would be cool cause you do not have to change the weight of 3d assets.

Is anybody familiar with that?

Thanks in advance