UE4 is not calling function in child BP

How is this possible? I call it’s function that it inherited from it’s parent class. And then I notice that it is never called. After some debugging I found out that the blueprint simply skips the entire function while stepping through it with breakpoints?

Why? UE4-Bug?

The other functions work it’s just this one. And yes the function is compiled w/o errors. And the function is NOT skipped the 2nd time the function is called… Only the first time…

Solved. It does execute the function but we found out that the breakpoints and stepping in UE4 using blueprints are unreliable. Whenever it doesn’t trigger a breakpoint that you expect it to hit, put a print-string or something there and you will see that it will print the string but it will never step into or break in that blueprint-section.

Also replicating the same code in C++ instead does correctly hit the breakpoints in Visual Studio. Also 2 other places in our project suffered from the same problem. It’s just the UE4-editor that can’t properly hit breakpoints…