Editor stuck at 72% initializing

  1. Left project loading over 10 hours no change
  2. Cleaned project (it’s c++ based on 3rd person)
  3. Can build it in just visual studio.
  4. Still no change.
  5. Last major change in project was creating a blue print child of mygamemode (c++) setting it as project default game mode. And doing the same for my gamestate.

No error or logs appear to be produced.

Try delete /Saved /Intermediate and restart the project. You may have to regen the C++ after that.

So far I’ve recreated it by accident in another project using c++ to assign teams in a bool in a c++ playerstate but using a child blueprint of these instead of the c++ as the primary project files.

I’ve narrowed down the problem.

To create these conditions in a project the following will be a condition to create it.

  1. You call a blueprint child of your game mode which has a header such as this in the c++ gamemode.

//// GibballGameMode.h


 // If I comment this out and the implementation of it in the cpp it will load the project.

 AGibballGameMode(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

//// GibballGameMode.cpp (this had to be commented out in order to load as well…)

AGibballGameMode::AGibballGameMode(const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)

// set default pawn class to our Blueprinted character
static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnClassFinder(TEXT("/Game/Player/BP_Player"));
DefaultPawnClass = PlayerPawnClassFinder.Class;	

// use our customer HUD Class.s
HUDClass = AMyHUD::StaticClass();

PlayerControllerClass = AMyPlayerController::StaticClass();

PlayerStateClass = AMyPlayerState::StaticClass();	

GameStateClass = AMyGameState::StaticClass();
bDelayedStart = true;


My findings conclude that there is a conflict with the Blueprint Child of Game mode calling the StaticClass which causes the editor whom when a blue print is the game mode no longer protects the overrides. perhaps causing an infinite loop, one is waiting for the other?

So far I believe i can accomplish what i want now.

PS. this is UE4.11.2

Ok, just for the records: we are using 4.12.5 and experience a very similar problem. We have a C++ class derived from “AGameMode”, and a BP game mode class, which derives from our custom C++ class. In the C++ constructor we had something like this:

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> FireflyBlueprint(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Actors/BPR_Firefly.BPR_Firefly'"));
	DefaultPawnClass = (UClass*)FireflyBlueprint.Object->GeneratedClass;

With that code the editor also freezes at 72% while starting up. However, as soon as I comment out these lines above, everything works fine again. That way we had to set the default pawn via the BP game mode class, which is fine I guess.

In any case: Thanks for posting this, you have save me a lot of time :slight_smile:

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Excellent glad it helped someone :slight_smile:

Actually, the problem does not seem to be setting the DefaultPawnClass, but the call to ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder. Have you managed to get the reference to the UClass of a BP class from within the constructor of a C++ game mode class?

Man I’ve spend around 4 hours trying to figure out what the "§ll is going on and this post saved me, thanks so much.

From my side I fixed it by commenting out the initializers for the default pawn class and default hud from the base GameMode. (UE V4.14.3)

	: Super()
        // Commented out all of this and it just worked again :)
	// set default pawn class to our Blueprinted character
	//static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnClassFinder(TEXT("/Game/Dynamic/Character/Behavior/Character_BP"));
	//DefaultPawnClass = PlayerPawnClassFinder.Class;

	// use our custom HUD class
	//HUDClass = AMasterOfShadowsHUD::StaticClass();

I have same problem with UE v4.15.0

Tried different constructor helpers (FClassFinder, FObjectFinder) to find Bluepring inherited from c++ class and found out that editor starts only with this line in constructor commented. Kinda stuck, because I need to spawn BP inherided from c++ class

Can confirm that this also happens using steps similar to RodentGames on 4.16.3. Has a solution been discovered yet?

v4.15.1 - I also ran into this issue but I resolved mine as per Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-37922).

The reason being for myself was a derived GameMode → GameMode BP and the FClassFinder was looking at a blueprint that referenced the GameMode BP. This will always be a problem I just hope they add a warning instead of allow it then crash.

And same here… Just close editor after some work. Then restart PC and no more opening project… (4.16.3)

I had to set the default pawn to the C++ class in the C++ gamemode, And override that in the BP derived class.


i have also experienced this , and this was because i had a c++ gamemode class and made a blueprint child of it, in the blueprint i changed the HUD actor but in the c++ gamemode constructor it also try to set de HUD. Just deleted it from the constructor defining in BP is for me finer

In case anyone else runs into this problem:

I had this happen on engine 4.20.1. My project wouldn’t load and just quit at 73%. When I tried to open the engine (not my project - as if I were starting a new project) it stopped at at 72%. Engine version 4.19.2 still launched correctly. This told me the 4.20.1 engine was the problem, not my project.

My solution:

  1. Open the Epic launcher

  2. Click the down arrow next to the problem engine (in my case 4.20.1) and select ‘Remove’.

  3. Click the ‘+’ next to ‘Engine versions’, and reinstall 4.20.1.

  4. Make a cup of tea :slight_smile:

  5. Hey presto, once it’s installed, everything is working again.

I’ve no idea why it broke, but removing and reinstalling the engine fixed it. Hope this helps someone else!

Thanks CopperStoneSea - had the same issue (on the same version) all of a sudden, reinstalled the engine and fixed now!

Glad it helped :slight_smile:

This still happens in 4.20.3. The problem seems to be in ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder.

thank you it helped me but the problem with me happened when i want to override OnHit Event in blueprint class child of c++ one ,when i deleted the class from content folder project load normal and when i returned it the load stuck again ,but when i commented the lines in game mode constructor like you did it load normally again.

I’m about to try this on 4.18.3. Same exact issue, same exact code added.
If I comment the code out, open up the project, add the code back in, and then hot reload from the editor, everything is fine. I even made a build, no problems whatsoever.
Close with that and try to reopen, stuck at 72%.
I will also try removing the old child blueprint GameMode that I no longer want to use like the older comments here mentioned