Overriding GetPredictionData_Client() For Custom AllocateMove() And Network Movement

I get an error on the line with “MutableThis->ClientPredictionData = new FNetworkPredictionData_Client_MyMovement();” It says that the default constructor was deleted. In visual studio it says the only other overload function was to pass in a reference to an FNetworkPredictionData_Client_MyMovement. I need to make the movement component recognize my custom addmove() so the I can sprint and double jump in my networked game.

class FNetworkPredictionData_Client* UMyCharacterMovementComponent::GetPredictionData_Client() const
check(PawnOwner != NULL);
check(PawnOwner->Role < ROLE_Authority);

if (!ClientPredictionData)
	UMyCharacterMovementComponent* MutableThis = const_cast<UMyCharacterMovementComponent*>(this);

	MutableThis->ClientPredictionData = new FNetworkPredictionData_Client_MyMovement();
	MutableThis->ClientPredictionData->MaxSmoothNetUpdateDist = 92.f;
	MutableThis->ClientPredictionData->NoSmoothNetUpdateDist = 140.f;

return ClientPredictionData;


on line 5 you need to put “this” (without the quotations) in the brackets of the overload function