UnitTestFramework uplugin wrong LoadingPhase

I’ve just tried experimental plugin UnitTestFramework. If one enables it in editor one will receiver CTD on engine start. The plugin is trying to get reference to Kismet module but this is not loaded yet (yielding in assertion failed on GEditor while loading the Kismet module). The solution is to change LoadingPhase to PostEngineInit. Could you please confirm? Thank you.

Hi ,

Thank you for pointing this out. I ran some tests with this plugin and was able to see the results that you described. Your suggested solution also worked to allow the project to open successfully in the Editor. I have entered a ticket to have this investigated further (UE-30217). Until we can have someone look into this further, we should consider your suggestion to be a workaround instead of a fix.

Hi ,

thank you for looking into the issue. I’m running into the same issue with my plugin. Please update the answer once you have proper solution. Thank you.

Hi ,

I checked the status of the ticket that I had entered, and it turns out we decided to remove the UnitTestFramework plugin from the Engine, which is not the solution that I was expecting.

With regards to your question about changing the loading phase in the UnitTestFramework plugin, I had suggested that your change to PostEngineInit be considered a workaround because I was unsure of the intended loading phase for the plugin. If your plugin is working correctly with the loading phase set to PostEngineInit, you should be perfectly fine to leave it that way.