Instanced materials: vector params and uv 2d params in one

Hi Guys,

Is there anyway to create material where I can pick Vector Parameters OR UV2dMaterial for example.

In the instanced material I can pick to use colour OR texture as a base colour? instead of creating 2 seperate base shader for one with vector params and one with 2dtexture params only.

Like in the picture below what expression should I use to connect those both to the base colour and be able to pick one or another in the instanced material


You can use Switch and Boolean nodes to choose a Vector or Texture.

It is working, beautiful thanks a lot ! :smiley:

Actually, even though SVV is right…
A staticSwitchParameter would be more beneficial (if the material gets more complex) as it really disables anything not being used, while the switch node SVV mentioned keeps both active and allows for dynamic swapping… which if Iam correct, seiQ does not need.