Make a props follow the camera

I want to make props follow the camera ( follow the cursor of the player ) and levitate (as was done in Skyrim for example )
But i don’t know how i can do this :confused:
Can you help me ?

i never played skyrim, but there is a node called set actor location that you can use in blueprints, you can use that in the tick event with the x and y set to your cursors x and y and the z to your cursors z plus 10 or something like that

you can use the Deproject Screen to World node. grab the mouse position and it will return a world position. Then transform it however you want in 3D space to account for offset.

Thank you all :smiley: but i find a way to do it :
I go to the First Person Camera blueprint

And than i make a PhycisHandle and I link it to a scene component

I hope it’s can help :smiley: