How do I replace materials on multiple assets?

I would like to replace a material on all assets in a particular level. Assets have multiple materials in them so I cannot just select all and drag new material on top. What is the most efficient ways to this?

I just tried ‘replace references’ and this deletes old material which I definitely don’t want to. I only want to replace in one level.

Doesn’t look like ‘replace references’ deleted old material, so it worked. But the tool prompts me that it will delete the old material, may need more explanation.

SHIFT + S to select all surfaces (or Right Click > Select > Select all Surfaces), and then apply the material you want.

You could also select the brushes you want, then press SHIFT + B to select all surfaces on those brushes, and then apply the material.

Thank you,I can select all actor but I have many different material.How can I change all material in one time?

This is the top result in 2023 in Google.

Surely Unreal 5 has a better way by now?

Also, it’s unclear if the OP is talking about replacing material references in all levels or just the opened level (I’m interested in the latter).

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One year later now and I am astonished that there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to replace all material references. I have a paint trim material assigned to multiple different parts of different objects in a arch viz project and I can’t find an easy way to replace all references with a material instance. Do the big studios just make custom tools for these basic operations?