Material Static Switch not working?

I even set the default-value to true but it never applies the emissive-texture. When I remove the switch and plugin the parameter directly then it works. But then I can not turn it off for materials that have no emissive-texture.

Hi Napolean,

The Tex input on the Texture sample cannot take a float input value which is what the Vector color you’re using for the false is doing. It will show a texture error and point to the stats section for this warning. You need to use a texture object here to correctly have it switch. Instead, consider using another mask material here that is disabling the emissive glow.


Thanks that worked. I made a 2048x2048 default black texture and used it as the default and removed the whole switch-parameter.

Weird that there is no real way of ‘disabling’ it for material instances without using an ‘empty’ texture.