Material Collection Parameter crash the engine

Well I think eveything is in the title, I uploaded a video of the bug to show how big is the problem…
it seems that My materials that use the node work well but the editor crash when I try to open them.

This happens to me a lot.
I tend to save before making a new collection parameter, and save again after its created.

Been happening since 4.9 and still have this issue in 4.11.

you mean save the material before and after ? I tried too but because of this there is some materials that I cannot open anymore because unreal is crashing when I try to open it…
2 question:

  1. do you also use OSX ?
  2. do you also have an AMD card ?

well I think I will look into this myseld and make pullrequest… it’s too annoying

No, win10 user, and nvidia card.
But yea, collection parameter can bea bit buggy.
def something the devs need to take a look at.

Hi NeWincpp,

I don’t see anything specific in our system for this being reported and I don’t get any crash just by adding a Material Param Collection to the material either.

If you have any detailed repro steps to recreate the crash that include the material setup and parameter collection setup please include those here.

Also, include the full call-stack in a text file that includes your epic/machine id, along with the full log from the project folder.

Thank you!


here is the text file with my epic/machine id : link text
I have this bug in every version of unreal 4.11 (from preview 1 to 4.11.2)
To reproduce it I just have to:

  • create a new “third person blueprint”
  • create a new material
  • create a new material collection parameter
  • add a parameter collection node with the asset previously created
  • I select the value that I need
  • unreal crash when the material preview is
    being updated

Hi NeWincpp,

Thank you! I wasn’t initially seeing the issue since it was not happening on Windows with these particular steps, however when I looked at the crash reporter submissions the only users who had this crash were on Mac. Once I tried there it was easily reproduced!

I’ve submitted UE-30184 for this crash.

Thank you!


Actually tim, win7 (now win10) user here, and ive had it crash quite often when doing simmiliar steps as newinccp.

the exact steps I am unable to tell, but its def. something that also happens on non-mac puters.

If I remember well I had the same problem on linux (I cannot try now because my distro does not work now)

btw is there a place where I can see reported bugs and the progression of epic’s staff on it ?
PS: sorry for not given you enough information in my first post

We’re currently working on having a public bug tracker for these tickets we enter and right now it’s still in the testing and prototyping phase. I don’t know when exactly we’ll start testing it out publicly though. So unfortunately for the moment there isn’t any way to track this yourself. For the time being if you need an update you can post on here and I can post the status. This one seems pretty rough though so I’ve escalated it to see if we can get this resolved for 4.12.