Is Hovered not working while holding Mouse Button


I’m having a button appear near the mouse button while RMB is held, when this button is hovered over I’d like it to expand and have several other buttons appear.

However, using a Print String connected to Is Hovered, I found out that the Is Hovered actually does not work (returns false no matter what) when you are holding down either mouse button. Any way around this?

Well, it’s looking to see if something is hovering over the button and not pressed down. I’ve never seen anyone try to hold a button down and then hover over it. It pretty much defeats the point of Hover/Pressed/Released in UMG.

I’m going for a hold RMB to open the menu, release to pick an option kind of system. Is there any other way to do this in blueprints or should I write it myself?

Why are you going to have the RMB to open a menu? Why do that to your player?

+1. IsHovered also doesn’t work when you are dragging something over the widget (using the native drag and drop system, with mouse held down), which is a problem if you’re making an inventory and want to highlight the slot you’re hovering over.

I gave an answer to a similar question. This may work for you as well

Ever heard of a context menu?

I like the answer of plojnitza. I use the events now (instead of checking on tick if it “isHovered”)

For my purpose I used the events for cards. When I hover over a card it should be lifted a little bit and when I unhover, it will be moved to the original location. The problem which occured on my end, is when I then clicked on the card
it moved to the original location despite it was hovered.

Solution: I fixed this by overwriting “OnMouseButtonDown”.

Good Luck!

I like the answer of plojnitza. I use the events now (instead of checking on tick if it “isHovered”)

For my purpose I used the events for cards. When I hover over a card it should be lifted a little bit and when I unhover, it will be moved to the original location. The problem which occured on my end, is when I then clicked on the card
it moved to the original location despite it was hovered.

Solution: I fixed this by overwriting “OnMouseButtonDown”.

Good Luck!