UE4.12 use CineCamera as player camera?

Hey! I love the new cinematic features in 4.12, especially the CineCamera with the awesome amount of options available for focus and aperture. Is there a way to enable the options found on the regular camera such as “Use Pawn Control Rotation” in order to allow for the camera to be moved around as it normally could be in a first person view/blueprint? Right now since that option isn’t there, you can only move left and right but not up and down!


I guess you can create a new actor with a CineCamera inside. On your player Actor you can then spawn a class of that CineCameraActor and switch the view target to that actor. See the screenshots, maybe it’s something similar to what you need?

I realized this might have been answered already since its so old, but you can add a cine camera as a component to your character just like the old one and it will work out of the box with some minor focus and exposure differences.