Fullscreen & Windowed Mode From Widget?

I have this setup but it does not work. It seems to make the window disappear and then I use Tab + Shift to switch to it but it jumps back to windowed mode. I have tried doing this in a Standalone game, but still no success.

How can I add an option for Windowed and Fullscreen mode? What is the appropriate console command?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! (:

  • The correct console command for Fullscreen = r.FullScreenMode
  • actually, if you execute the same command, it will alternate between FullScreenMode and Windowed Mode.

Hey, it still does not work for me!
Execute Console Command → r.FullScreenMode

Is the function actually executing?

Try running the game in the “Standalone Game” mode, Sometimes switching fullscreen didn’t work for me when I was using the new window option.

I have tried in Standalone but with no results.
I have a combo box with


I am using the correct combo box variable, getting the selected option Fullscreen (copied correctly from the ComboBox default options elements)
and just like the BP above I am using branch and onButtonPress (an Apply Changes button) ExecuteConsoleCommand only this time with r.FullScreenMode

I have even tried GetDefaultResolution and using an Append with x for x of defRes and f for y of defRes to ExecuteConsoleCommand with no luck.

The Docs just say to use FULLSCREEN but it does nothing.

It is, I am getting a print statement off of this (below is my explanation of BP setup).

Are there any other console commands I can try? Who has a setup for 4.11 that actually works?


I had the same problem but for me, execute console command with just “fullscreen” works. It toggles the mode if between on and off. I am using 4.11 too.

it will alternate between FullScreen Mode and Windowed Mode…How to keep FullScreenMode?How to check the FullScreen Mode or Windowed Mode,or something else?