Facial Animation: Morph Target or Bone Based?

Hi there,

I would need to know which is the more suitable solution for our game. The game is open world and in cities or villages it is likely to have a larger number of NPC in the camera focus…however I guess to avoid a performance overkill it will be the best to play facial animation only in combat and if the player is talking to an NPC.

My main question at the moment is what is more efficient in regards to perfromance - Bones or Morph Targets…I’ve read a couple times on the boards that blendshapes can be pretty expensive and have other disadvantages, so I would prefer to use some boneclusters, however additional bones are also not for free (performancewise) and 30 or 40 NPC on the camera in a city can add huge number of bones to the list.

What would you recommend to use here?