Scene Component pulling on owners?

I’m stuck… Any clues to what I’m doing wrong? Or maybe it’s a Scene Component bug?

I am taking a cube, and applying upward force of mass*980 to get it to levitate. But when move that to a Scene Component the Actor/SceneComponent combo slowly sinks.

It doesn’t appear the Scene Component is adding mass. If I add a tiny amount of additional up force (E.G. Force=Mass*980+50) it will slowly decrease downward velocity, then start going up! So it’s almost like the Scene Component is giving it an initial downward boost. I tried using Set Physics Linear Velocity to 0,0,0 in Begin Play, but that didn’t seem to do anything.


Actor (Floats nicely)

New Actor blueprint, added cube as root, simulate physics checked, Mass overridden, following blueprint

Actor/SceneComponent (Slowly sinks)

Actor same as previous actor with blueprint code removed and SceneComponent added

New Scene Component blueprint, with nothing changed except added following blueprint


Whatever is happening is between frames 1 & 2. linear velocity is 0 until frame 2 then it’s -16.331.

All physics engines are notoriously terrible at simulating equilibrium, and when they do get close it’s extremely resource intensive for what it’s doing. I would have a special “springy” state for floating that is a kinematic bone with a spring effect, then switch to real physics when it gets interacted with. Hope this helps :slight_smile: