Help with Sidescroller camera


I’m having a small problem with the SideScroller camera, I made a Sway/Lag system for the camera and displaced it a little to a side to make a better view of the field. so I’m having a great problem, when I’m close to a Wall, the wall don’t let the player see anything.


So, I want to move again to another side to have again a better view of the field like I show in the attached draw. if you need some help to know my blueprint,this is it.

Creating the Cam

Updating the Camera position in the game

Hi, it looks like you want to make the camera follow the player. The best way to do this is by using the camera within the player. So you have a player character, with a swing arm (which we use like a stick in cinema) and linked to the swing arm you use a camera. That swing arm can have built in lag and such to make movement of the camera more natural.

Hope this helps