Layered blend per bone "As pin"


There is probably a bug with the “As pin” option for node “Layered blend per bone” in persona.
When I use variables to control the blend weight between two blend pose, my filter bone is not consider.

Could you confirm ?


Hi martoof,

What are the default values for your float variables?


Hi ,

My variables are set to 0.0 for no blend by default.

Shoot Left Blend = 0.0
Shoot Right Blend = 0.0
→ door left close
→ door right close

Shoot Left Blend = 1.0
Shoot Right Blend = 0.0
→ door left close BUG?
→ door right close

Shoot Left Blend = 0.0
Shoot Right Blend = 1.0
→ door left open BUG?
→ door right open

Shoot Left Blend = 1.0
Shoot Right Blend = 1.0
→ door left open
→ door right open


Hey martoof,

I was able to reproduce this and found an existing bug in our system for this(UE-30157). It is actively being worked on.

Thanks for reporting this.


Hi ,

Thank you for your follow, i will track all update about this bug.


Was this fixed in 4.12?

Can’t find if it was fixed or not.
Pardon me if this isn’t the proper place to ask in answerhub.

Hey Blackrock,

This was fixed in 4.12. Also, you were close with where to ask on Answerhub. I converted your “Answer” to a comment. You can simply hit “Reply” or “Add New Comment” if what you’re posting is not an Answer to the original question.
